Last week I lost my pocket knife. I got a new one today. The first time I use it, I cut my thumb with it while slicing an apple. I remember when I was four... I picked up my grandfather's pocket knife, opened it, and closed it across my fingers. I learned the idea of sharp. I learned that door jambs are dangerous by smashing a finger. I learned bees have stingers and they hurt by stepping on one. I learned girls, at least my cousin, do not have a penis by walking in on her taking a bath and asked: "Where's your...?". She told me the doctor cut her's off. I knew about erections, but I had no idea how to get rid of them. They were annoying. So I made something up "You need to stick it with a thorn, that will get rid of it", I told my friend. I hope he never tried it though I still think that it might work. I learned how to carry a large bowl of water without spilling it. It was large to me. When my grandmother walked into the bedroom and fo...