
Showing posts from September, 2019

Programming is hard

I was going to say that programming is not easy. While that's true, it's really an understatement. It's even difficult to describe how it is hard to a non-programmer. As an example, someone contacted me with an app idea that they wanted to "sell" me. They just wanted a couple of cents per download. I told I'm not interested in any more (unpaid) work I have enough to last me through 2022 or 2023. Basically, I said take a number. He persisted. I sent him a link to  The implication being "go learn how to code and do it yourself". I haven't heard from him since. Where do people get the idea that "an idea for an app" is all they need to make money? Programming is hard and time-consuming. If you want to build an app you need to build it - not just think of it and wallah! Instant riches. No, that's not the way it works. If you can't write the code yourself you must hire someone to write it....

It's Monday...

We have been house shopping for the last 3 weeks. I think we found one we like. Make that 10.

Dieter the Teacher

A recruiter contacted me about a part-time position teaching coding at Vanderbilt. It's interesting, especially since I don't have any formal education in programming. I just do for a living. But what the heck, let me take a look and see... Update #1: It requires 13 hours a week M/W/Saturday or T/TH/Saturday plus prep time. Evenings and Saturdays. Update #2: I have a telephone interview on Friday 9-20-2019. #3: I am awful at telephone interviews. I will not agree to do any more of them. #4: I did not get hired. Thank goodness.

When I was Four

Last week I lost my pocket knife. I got a new one today. The first time I use it, I cut my thumb with it while slicing an apple. I remember when I was four... I picked up my grandfather's pocket knife, opened it, and closed it across my fingers. I learned the idea of sharp. I learned that door jambs are dangerous by smashing a finger. I learned bees have stingers and they hurt by stepping on one. I learned girls, at least my cousin, do not have a penis by walking in on her taking a bath and asked: "Where's your...?". She told me the doctor cut her's off. I knew about erections, but I had no idea how to get rid of them. They were annoying. So I made something up "You need to stick it with a thorn, that will get rid of it", I told my friend. I hope he never tried it though I still think that it might work. I learned how to carry a large bowl of water without spilling it. It was large to me. When my grandmother walked into the bedroom and fo...

It's Friday!

Tandem Workflow's get images and store them on S3 cron job is stuck in the ( dev-test-QA-prod ) pipeline. The Geotab test case and db tables are ready to be tested on test3. 11:00 Now working on updateDriverClassPay to actually update the minimum pay fields in the drivers' profiles when there is a change in the minimum daily pay rate. 12:08 Finished driver class pay. Next is the new Appian integration. 1 PM Interruption: Poylak settlement issue. A load is missing 11.8% of its truck pay. Discovery: Two stops with the same sequence number breaks settlement. The milage between them is 11.8% of the total trip miles. I change one of the sequence numbers and wah-lah! The pay amount is suddenly correct.

GeoTab done... maybe

I finally finished The GeoTab HOS and breadcrumbs integration. Now I'm working on bugs in reopened tickets. First is a payroll export bug. Personal and vacation pay is being duplicated in both columns. It seems the customer actually had asked for this. Not realizing that they can't use the same accounting code for both vacation pay and personal days off unless they want a combined total. Waiting on a call back from them.


I've been wrestling with GeoTab's API. With Jason's help, I've finally figured out to get the HOS hours remaining feed working. Now it's just a matter of saving the data files in files and creating cronjobs to process those files. This evening I will revisit Music City's airport code. Hasan has reported that cars downtown are able to accept the corral. That sounds like a bug.