Programming is hard
I was going to say that programming is not easy. While that's true, it's really an understatement. It's even difficult to describe how it is hard to a non-programmer. As an example, someone contacted me with an app idea that they wanted to "sell" me. They just wanted a couple of cents per download. I told I'm not interested in any more (unpaid) work I have enough to last me through 2022 or 2023. Basically, I said take a number. He persisted. I sent him a link to The implication being "go learn how to code and do it yourself". I haven't heard from him since. Where do people get the idea that "an idea for an app" is all they need to make money? Programming is hard and time-consuming. If you want to build an app you need to build it - not just think of it and wallah! Instant riches. No, that's not the way it works. If you can't write the code yourself you must hire someone to write it....