Notifications are up and stable

I pushed the changes to the notifications up on Friday night. There have not been any complaints. I'm taking that as good news.

Notifications were down for several days this past week because of a series of issues that combined to make a perfect storm. I glad that's behind us.

Going forward, I want to change to a provider that's in a closer time zone. Being separated by 8 hours severely hampers getting support in a timely fashion. The people at PushBots are great. They build a custom solution for me in about a day's time. But because of the timezone issue, it took 3 days to implement.

The change of providers won't happen overnight. I'm thinking months. I will need to rebuild the mobile app because PushBots is hardwired into the app. There is no way around hardwiring the provider. The device needs to be able to talk to their server directly from the app.

Twilio may be the provider I go with because I have been using them for SMS messaging and they have been rock solid.

On a related note: PushBots is the third company I have worked with that operates in a time zone that is 8 hours or greater different than mine. The first company, don't remember the name, like PushBots, only offered support during their local business hours. It was send a request. Get a reply next day. That's a dreadful delay when things go wrong or you're trying to get a product out the door.

The other company, Mobilock, which is located in India are doing it correctly. They have capable support staff working during American business hours. I would not be surprised to find that they operate 24 hours. Of course, this is all based on the assumption that the company wants to business in the US.
