Eleos and El Paso
Today started out normal enough, I started working on the settlement PDF issue. I was making some headway with it...
Then Gayle had to pin me down on how long it will take me to have Tandem Workflow ready to go live for a customer.
This makes me cringe because I am absolutely horrible at time estimates and Gayle does not except "I don't know" or anything greater than 2 weeks. So I said "One Week".
She was happy with that but I know I have no idea of what I just got myself into.
The customer is El Paso Freight. They have a GeoTab contract with T-Mobile which is incompatible with Tandem Workflow, besides, T-Mobile's coverage is spotty at best in the Texas area that El Paso operates.
They also have a Rand McNally account which does Hours of Service but is not plug-in-play with Tandem Workflow. Jerry said something about getting Rand's HOS into Tandem Workflow. I'm sure that will take a week by itself.
One of the things that needs to be completed for this to go forward is imaging. The Tandem Workflow app can take images of documents etc., but it gets uploaded to eleos' Drive Axle S3 bucket. (An S3 Bucket is a Amazon web Services (AWS) storage bucket. It's cheap - which is a good thing) We need to download them from there and attach them to the correct load and PO.
4:05 PM I waiting on Eleos to supply me with a username and password for Drive Axle.
Next: I need to see of I can attach the PO to the document when it is uploaded by the driver. This will take creating or editing a document upload form in the Eleos Mobile Platform online form configuration manager. I think.
It occurs to me that I forgot to do a summary yesterday. Anyway...
Today: I worked on the refactor of the settlement driver PDF.
This thing is really a mess. We have tables within tables within tables to the point of insanity. One of these innermost tables has a single TR with a single TD. I can't imagine anyone thought that this would maintainable. I'm going to assume that maintainability was not part of the plan - just "get it done".
I tried to force the settlement page into a PDF but I scraped that idea because weird alignment issues caused by nested nested tables were taking too long to solve. I'm rebuilding the layout into a single table with sections of TRs instead of nested tables.
I took all of the queries, except one, scattered throughout the cfm and put them into functions at the end of the page. It's starting to look like a more manageable mess.
My goal is to leave this file so that it is easier to modify in the future if the need arises. I'm paying off some of the technical debt, so to speak.
Tandem Workflow: I read through the imaging docs a couple of time and tried to download some images I uploaded with BTW (BOLT Tandem Workflow )
I requested, from Erika at Eleos, a username and password for the image storage bucket. No answer yet.
I asked Nick for a timeline on getting the mobile apps live in the App Store and google Play. I have not received an answer yet.
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