Spireon, Tandem Workflow and GeoTab

12:00 After 8 hours of work, yesterday and today, I finally figured out the trailer naming issue in ULS' Spireon. 
1. ULS has 2 Spireon accounts. 2. Some trailers are in both accounts. 3. Trailers have hidden names which only the imported can see as well as public names which the users can see. 
What took so long? There was a problem with the access keys for the accounts. Both accounts were
using the same access key. I had to delete both keys and request new keys.

1:15 PM I got imaging working in BOLT TandemWorkFlow. Woot! We can now attach meta-data to scanned documents.

BTWF things to do: convert the image downloader to ColdFusion. Get GeoTab auto-arrival and departure working - this basically requires a new integration.

4:30 Image downloader complete
Next, move images to S3 and register them with the correct company, load, and stop.
